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  内蒙古中交的基础建设实业解散于2016年11月,伦敦规划实业持股的客户,评为产品治理工作安全管控体制基础建设与措ISO9001GB/T50430-2017.事业营养安全保障治理工作安全管控体制基础建设与办法ISO45001.环境治理工作安全管控体制基础建设与办法ISO14001治理工作安全管控体制基础建设,实缴投资基金金700万万博maxbextx官网登录群众币,现今子新集团公司、分新集团公司9家。是祖国的基础交通部获取:工程基础工程工程大型项目 工程大型项目 承包商三阶段、钢形式靠谱基础工程工程三阶段、环境大型项目 工程靠谱基础工程工程三阶段,修饰装房靠谱基础工程工程二次元资质证书,防潮防水防蚀大型项目 工程靠谱基础工程工程二次元,评为几项光于工程基础工程工程修饰业内领域手机app科学名誉权及一些专属了,是工程基础工程工程修饰业内领域中、基础工程工程,规划、咨询了解、大型项目治理于分立式的标准化型的客户....  


  公司理念:树万仗楼台,创一百年中交。    客户奉献精神:铝铸造的经典佳作!,凌驾自主,专业团队协同,凌驾自主。    生意心理:“八方2难题必做于易,八方2事情必做于细”    价 值 观:表面文章误己,务实兴企。

Liaoning Zhongjian State Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. is referred to as "Liaoning Zhongjian State Construction" and "Zhongjian State Construction Group" is located in the largest city in central Liaoning Province in Northeast China. It is known as "the birthplace of one dynasty, the capital of two generations of emperors", "the eldest son of the Republic " and "Eastern Ruhr". The reputation of Shenyang, the capital city of Liaoning Province!
Liaoning Zhongjian State Construction Construction Group was established in January 2014, with a paid-in capital of 8 million yuan, and currently has 9 subsidiaries and branches.  It has won a number of software copyrights in the building decoration industry. A comprehensive enterprise integrating construction, construction, design, consulting, and project management...  

For many years, the company has been adhering to the business philosophy of "The difficult things in the world must  be done easily and the great events must be done in details".  Corporate vision: To build a huge building, create a century-old construction. Entrepreneurial spirit: Casting fine products, Surpassing oneself, Teamwork, Surpassing oneself  . Business philosophy: "The difficult things in the world must be done easily, and the great things in the world must be done in details " Value concept: Empty talk is harmful to the company ,while doing practical work will make it thrive.




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